November 26, 2007

Forms 11g new features: Events

My DOAG Conference 2007 presentation was "Forms 11g: A look behind the scenes"

The main two new features are: Advanced Queuing and Javascript-API. Today I explain the AQ-technique with Forms-Events.

Events - Interaction with Advanced Queuing

This is the first big new change in Forms Builder since 6 years. We can create Events and assign them to queues. If someone inserts new data in this AQ, the appropriate new trigger WHEN-EVENT-RAISED starts.

Allowed Properties for Events

Event Type : Data Base, User Defined
Subscription Name : AQ-Name (LOV)
Scope : Application, Form
Auto Subscribe : Yes, No
Correlation ID :
View Mode : Browse, Locked, Removed



The new parameter maxEventWait is important. The value is in milliseconds and means the intervall, in which the AQ's used by forms get refreshed against the database. Without this parameter the form refreshes only, if the user interacts with the runform.


:CONTROL.TI_Payload := get_event_object_property ('EV_Default', Event_Payload);

This example is a remote control for remote debugging. You can insert a command into the queue, which is assigned to the Event EV_DEFAULT and each time, when the payload has the value ATTACH DEBUG a debug-process starts in the forms runtime.

In my Download-Section is a link to my presentation (in german).

November 22, 2007

DOAG Conference 2007

Today was the last day of this years conference. The DOAG (German Oracle User Group) is now 20 years old and so we had some slots in the conference like "Oracle 5.0 New Features)

That was a funny presentation from Dierk Lenz. He used his 20 years old slides and presented us all the new features from the database in 1988.

In the presentation he started a vmWare with DOS 6.22 and SQL*Forms 2

In this presentation we were nearly 200 people ! To have a look on the new Features of Oracle 5.0 :-)