What's new in Forms 12c, part 2
Let's now look into the Form Builder and what changes we got there.
First we see the facelift in the Open-Dialog. It's now the typical Windows-Dialog, where you have much more flexibility.
New features in the Convert-Dialog:
- New Feature "Converting to and from XML"
- Checkbox "Overwrite"
- Checkbox "Keep window open", if you have to convert many files at once.
Preferences-Dialog, Tab "General":
- The checkbox "Hide PL/SQL Compile Dialog" is new
- Web Browser location (Forms 11g: Tab "Runtime")
- Compiler Output is new
Tab "Subclass": No changes
Tab "Wizards": No changes
Tab "Runtime":
- The checkbox "Show URL Parameters" is new
- Application Server URL is much bigger!
- The Web Browser location vanished to Tab "General"
Have fun