January 26, 2012

The Future of Oracle Forms is .... Forms

Many thanks to Mia. She gave me the tip to her blog

where she pointed to Grant's presentation:

That's the first time, that we directly hear from Oracle, that the best technology to where we should migrate to, is .... Oracle Forms

and not Java, APEX, ADF or .NET !

that's a good start into 2012


Uwe Pliha said...

+1 :)

Mia said...

Hi Gerd,

"The future of forms is forms!"
You have no idea how true this is. Grant was just in Israel for the Oracle Forms Modernization day where we had around 200 developers!
Oracle practically fell off their chairs when they heard how many developers attended. There were great modernization case studies. You can checkout the presentations here: http://oracleformsinfo.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/oracle-developer-day-israel-2012-presentations/
and Grants reaction here:

Maybe we should do a German forms modernization day? I've never been to Germany :)