March 26, 2008

Forms 11g new features: Javascript-API

Forms 11g allows the direct communication between the generic java-applet in the browser and the world around. The new JavaScript-API implements this functionality.

In Forms 11g we have a new trigger, system-variables and built-ins for the communication with the JavaScript-API.

The trigger WHEN-CUSTOM-JAVASCRIPT-EVENT fires each time, when JavaScript raises an event to forms. In the trigger we can use the payload which is stored in two system-variables. system.javascript_event_name and :system.javascript_event_value.

Informations, which were transfered from HTML to Forms, can be easily used:

In this little example we transfer in the payload the event-name "NewForm" and in the event-value the name of a form. The data is transfered from the internet-page in this way::

< INPUT id="outside_field_id">
function set_field (field_id, myValue) {
function clickEvent1()
document.forms_applet.raiseEvent("NewForm", "payload");
< INPUT id="button1" type="button" onClick="void clickEvent1();" value="NewForm">

Internally the method raiseEvent of the class forms_applet is used. The applet's name has to be assigned in the formsweb.cfg to the parameter applet_name.


Forms can communicate bi-directional with the HTML. Therefore we can use the new built-ins web.javascript_eval_expr and web.javascript_eval_function.

('document.getElementById("outside_field_id").value="' ||
:control.ti_inside || '";');
('set_field("outside_field_id", "' || :control.ti_inside
|| '")');
:control.ti_get_value := web.javascript_eval_function

This example-code fills in the HTML-page a field named "outside_field_id" through the built-in web.javascript_eval_expr. Two techniques can be used. Direct Assignment or the call of a javascript-function, e.g. „set_field“.
You can read field through web.javascript_eval_function. The returnvalue is the value of the corresponding field in the HTML, in this case "outside_field_id".

This is another example of how important the new features in Forms 11g are. Now it's possible for forms to communicate with the world outside the browser's applet!


Anonymous said...

I have only three questions:
When, when, and when ?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this example.
A question: Is forms 11g already available? How did you create this example?

Patrick said...

Great Stuff...thanks

Gerd Volberg said...

When? => Nobody knows. Last year they said: It goes production in FY 2008. This means till end of May.

From where are the screenshots and the example? => From my betatests at the headquarter some months ago. I wrote it in the blog

Anonymous said...

FYI - Oracle Forms 11g New Features webinar now available at